Rolul jocurilor de percepție, atenție și memorie în dezvoltarea conștiinței fonologice la copiii preșcolari și școlari de vârstă mică

Rolul jocurilor de percepție, atenție și memorie în dezvoltarea conștiinței fonologice la copiii preșcolari și școlari de vârstă mică

The role of perception, attention and memory games in developing the phonological awareness for preschool and school age children

Ramona Karola KOVACS

The topic of phonological awareness and instrumental skills has been of interest to various researchers who have established assessment and intervention programs as early as 5 decade ago, providing models of educational and therapeutic practice that help children with language disorders, hearing disabilities and predisposition to difficulties to write and read.
It is highlighted that there is no flexibility in the manipulation of phonological units if spatial and temporal orientation abilities are affected, if there is an attentional deficit that affects the encoding and updating of knowledge related to auditory and verbal memory in daily communication.
The role of phonological awareness and instrumental skills related to language development in academic performance is the reason for these researches that show the importance of early identification of speech and language disorders in the last year of kindergarten respectively in the first year of preparatory class in order to apply game methods that can improve language structure and can prevent learning difficulties.
The present research aims to reveal aspects regarding of phonological awareness, instrumental abilities and the role of activities that has an impact on the development of language structure that can be made with the help of my own working program called ”Detectivul cu urechi lungi (The Detective with long ears)” and working materials aimed at developing the processes of perception, attention and memory.

Keywords:Phonologycal Awareness, instrumetal skills (perception, attention, memory) rhymes, syllabes, phonemics, early intervention, language disorder
Published on line: 03/31/2024
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Tulburarea din spectrul autist. Abordare din perspectivă psiholingvistică

Tulburarea din spectrul autist. Abordare din perspectivă psiholingvistică

Autism spectrum disorder. A psycholinguistic approach


Psycholinguistic is definited as the study of the language of the mind. People with ASD have language disorders. In order to disguise their problems, these people use pre-prepared and learned phrases. Another language-related problem is the presence of echolalia, but the presence of echolalia does not influence the average length the sentence, just as the use of conjunctions or prepositions, or abstract words, does not influence the average length. What does influence the average lenght of the utterance is the number of new words used.

Keywords: psycholinguistics, autism spectrum disorder, language disorders, echolalia, mean legth of utterance
Published on line: 03/31/2024
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Direcții de prevenire a tulburărilor de limbaj la copiii preșcolari

Direcții de prevenire a tulburărilor de limbaj la copiii preșcolari

Directions for the prevention of language disorders in preschool children

Teodora POPUȚA

This research paper aims to address the vital topic of preventing language disorders in preschool children. The primary focus is to investigate the effectiveness of an intervention program designed to enhance language and perceptual-auditory skills in this age group. Language disorders are a common concern among preschoolers, with various risk factors, including genetic predispositions, limited exposure to language-rich environments, and underlying medical conditions. Of utmost importance is early diagnosis and intervention, as these play a crucial role in facilitating a child’s language development.

Keywords: language disorders, preschool children, intervention program, language development, early intervention, developmental language disorder

Published on line: 03/31/2023

Dezvoltarea abilităților de citire cu ajutorul instrumentelor Boomwhackers în contextul dizabilității asociate

Dezvoltarea abilităților de citire cu ajutorul instrumentelor Boomwhackers în contextul dizabilității asociate

Enhancing Reading Skills with Boomwhackers Instruments in the Context of Associated Disabilities

Janka Eszter VERES

This research paper aims to address the vital topic of preventing language disorders in preschool children. The primary focus is to investigate the effectiveness of an intervention program designed to enhance language and perceptual-auditory skills in this age group. Language disorders are a common concern among preschoolers, with various risk factors, including genetic predispositions, limited exposure to language-rich environments, and underlying medical conditions. Of utmost importance is early diagnosis and intervention, as these play a crucial role in facilitating a child’s language development.

Keywords: language disorders, preschool children, intervention program, language development, early intervention, developmental language disorder

Published on line: 10/30/2023
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Acknowledgement: Lucrarea a fost elaborată în cadrul masteratului de Terapia Limbajului și Audiologie Educațională, Departamentul de Psihopedagogie specială, Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, sub coordonarea Conf. Univ. Dr. Bodea-Hațegan Carolina.

Particularități ale dezvoltării abilităților morfo – semantice în contextul protezării auditive cu implant cohlear și aparat auditiv

Particularități ale dezvoltării abilităților morfo – semantice în contextul protezării auditive cu implant cohlear și aparat auditiv

Longitudinal study regarding the frequency of speech disorders at the level of the speech therapy Nicolae Iorga office from Baia Mare

Katinka METEA

Language disorders are one of the most common childhood disorders. Problems with oral communication are the most common signs of language disorders. Expressive language issues can be easier to identify in the early years.
The main objectives of the longitudinal study were: (1) to show a significant increase in the frequency of language and communication disorders in primary school children, (2) to underline the importance of high quality language therapy services focused on prevention and early intervention.
The study began in 2007 and ended in 2017. Children diagnosed with language and communication disorders at the beginning of each school year were included in the study.
It was hypothesized that there was a significant increase in the frequency of the language and communication disorders during the eleven years of the study, especially in expressive language disorders like dyslalia. The participants in the study were evaluated, diagnosed and received specialized speech therapy.
The main findings of the study suggest an increase in the number of the cases identified with language disorders during 2007 and 2012. Between 2012 and 2017 the number of cases started decreasing due to the language therapy services provided in preschool children focused on prevention programs. It also showed a high percentage of children diagnosed with dislalia as compared to other language disorders like rhinolalia, dyslexia and fluency disorders.
Considering the findings of the study, language and speech therapy services must provide a focus on specialized therapy programs including prevention and early intervention involving parents and also preschool and primary school teachers

Keywords: language disorders, dyslalia, speech and language therapy services, prevention, early intervention.

Published on line: 31/03/2019
Bodea Hațegan, C. (2016). Logopedia – Terapia tulburărilor de limbaj. Structuri deschise, București: Editura Trei.
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Particularități ale limbajului oral la elevii cu dizabilități intelectuale

Particularități ale limbajului oral la elevii cu dizabilități intelectuale

Particularities of oral language in students with intellectual disabilities

Maria POP

This article studies the particularities of spoken language in students with intellectual disabilities and the importance of a complex language assessment in order to structure a personalized intervention program for speech and language therapy. Hereby language is being evaluated in all its aspects: phonetic, phonological, morphological, semantic and syntactic.
Personalized intervention programs will be structured depending on the results obtained at the tests, the individual particularities of the children and the type and severity of intellectual disability. The personalized intervention program is the basis of speech and language therapy

Keywords: pragmatic communication disorder, Down syndrome, intellectual disability, speech and language therapy, case study

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2018.4.2.06

Published on line: 31/10/2018

Bodea Hațegan, C. (2016). Logopedia. Terapia tulburărilor de limbaj. Structuri deschise, București: Editura Trei.

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Stima de sine la preadolescenţii cu tulburări de pronunție

Stima de sine la preadolescenţii cu tulburări de pronunție

Self- esteem in preadolescence with pronunciation disorders


The purpose of this study is to determine whether dyslalic language disorders may adversely affect the self-esteem of the pre-adolescent with standard intellectual development, in comparison to their peers with a typical development of language and intellect. An instrument designed to measure the level of the self-esteem, at the level of five subdivisions: the emotional self – ES, the social self – the SS, the physical self – the PS, the school self – SS, the prospective self – PS, was applied to a number of 18 students aged 13-14. As a result of the statistical data processing it is revealed that the pre-adolescents without speech disorder obtain higher and more constant scores in all five dimensions measured by the TOULOUSE – PIERON self – esteem inventory, while the students with speech disorders, although in terms of the results, present fluctuations at both batch and individual levels.
In conclusion, the presence of the dyslalic speech disorders may affect the individual’s self-esteem and may influence the development of their entire psychic life in the future as well as their range of action in the society.

Keywords: language disorders, dyslalia, self-esteem, pre-adolescent
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2018.4.1.07

Published on line: 15/03/2018


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