Limba semnelor: de la elementele de taxonomie la aspecte practice ale limbii semnelor române

Limba semnelor: de la elementele de taxonomie la aspecte practice ale limbii semnelor române

Sign language-from taxonomic elements to practical aspects regarding Romanian sign language


The present paper concerns fundamental aspect of Sign Language, from historical elements at international and national levels to taxonomical elements for a better understanding of pragmatic elements of Sign language. The taxonomy of Sign Language is a difficult task since the analysis isolates the processes which, in fact, may intervene to create a sign. In the application part we will focus on a proposal of Romanian Sign Language taxonomy and in the final part there are examples in the context of the five descriptive parameters: the handshapes, the position of the hand in relation to the body, the orientation of the palm, the movement and the non-manual signs as aspects correlated with facial expressions.

Keywords:sign language, taxonomy, handshape, fundamental parameter, iconicity

Published on line: 03/31/2023
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Particularități fonologice și morfologice ale limbii semnelor – percepția participanților auzitori asupra procesului de învățare

Particularități fonologice și morfologice ale limbii semnelor – percepția participanților auzitori asupra procesului de învățare

Phonological and morphological features of sign language – hearing participants’ perceptions on the learning process

Ioana TUFAR, Ioana Letiția ȘERBAN

Based on the investigation of the phonological and morphological characteristics of Sign Language and on past research regarding students’ perception on the learning process, this paper presents the perception of 87 Romanian students on the acquisition process of the Romanian Sign Language. The study involved participants who followed and graduated a basic training course in Romanian Sign Language. Examining the resulting data, recommendations were drawn up regarding the teaching and the learning process of sign language according to the phonological, morphological, and semantical characteristics and explaining the involvement of iconicity in this process.

Keywords: sign language, phonology, morphology, semantics, iconicity

DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2022.8.2.06

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Interpretarea la distanță a limbii semnelor române în context pandemic

Interpretarea la distanță a limbii semnelor române în context pandemic

Remote interpreting of Romanian Sign Language in the pandemic context


Taking into consideration the current context, Sign Language remote interpreting is a topic often encountered in accessibility for Deaf people. Our study explores the aspects of remote Sign Language interpreting in Romania during the Covid-19 pandemic. After a short theoretic framework about remote interpreting and particularities in the context of using Sign Language, we resume the findings of our investigation in which we used survey data from 39 Romanian Sign Language Interpreters active in the pandemic context. We emphasize advantages and disadvantages of this variant of Sign Language interpreting and in the end, we share some findings and recommendations from the field practice.

Keywords: remote interpreting, Sign Language, interpreter experiences, LSR-Romanian Sign Language, Covid-19
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2022.8.1.05
Published on line: 03/31/2022

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Interpretarea în limba semnelor în context educațional – o perspectivă teoretică și practică

Interpretarea în limba semnelor în context educațional – o perspectivă teoretică și practică

Sign language interpreting in the educational context-a theoretical and pragmatic perspective


Taking into consideration that the Sign Language interpreting field is a vivid and useful one, the present paper tries to draw the profile of the educational interpreter starting with a theoretical frame and continuing with pragmatic issues. The study undertaken involved 30 Sign Language interpreters from Great Britain and Romania and the analyzed data provided information on qualifications needed to assure the quality of interpretation, challenges that can appear on the way of interpreting, the role of the professional development programs, the importance of the code of ethics and some practical advices were included.

Keywords: Sign Language, educational interpreter, code of ethics, Deaf students, RSL, BSL


DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2020.6.2.07
Published on line: 30/10/2020

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Dezvoltarea abilităţilor de comunicare printr-un program de intervenţie bazat pe LSR (Limba Semnelor Române) şi simboluri grafice

Dezvoltarea abilităţilor de comunicare printr-un program de intervenţie bazat pe LSR (Limba Semnelor Române) şi simboluri grafice

Developing the communication skills through an intervention program based on LSR (Romanian Sign Language) and graphic symbols


The aim of this study is to create and to assess the efficiency of an intervention program based on Sign language and graphic symbols. The research had a comparative design pre-post-follow-up intervention. The participants to the program were deafblind/MSI students and the data proved there were significant differences between the pre-intervention, post-intervention and follow-up stage at the sign language level and at the graphic symbols acquired by the students.

Keywords:communication skills, Sign Language, graphic symbols, deafblind/multisensorial impairement, intervention program


DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2020.6.1.04

Published on line: 15/03/2020

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Dezvoltarea competențelor socio-afective ale adolescenților cu dizabilități de auz în contextul provocărilor determinate de mediul de comunicare

Dezvoltarea competențelor socio-afective ale adolescenților cu dizabilități de auz în contextul provocărilor determinate de mediul de comunicare

Developing the socio-affective competences of adolescents with hearing disabilities in the context of the challenges determined by the communication environment

Ioana-Letiția ȘERBAN; Sonia Antonela LUPU


This article presents a study of quality of life for hearing impaired and deaf adolescents and emphasizes the impact of the type of communication that they employ on different aspects of their cognitive, linguistic and social development. In the first part, the paper presents the theoretical framework, as well as a literature review of previous studies regarding quality of life for hearing impaired and deaf youth. The second part presents the study, describing the instrument used, the method and the results. The findings of this investigation reveal that hearing impaired and deaf students that learn in a boarding school setting in the special education system are more inclined to use sign language and to interact with their hearing impaired and deaf peers, and less willing to engage in activities with hearing people that involve verbal communication, thus diminishing their linguistic and social development.

Keywords:hearing impaired adolescents, quality of life, verbal communication, sign language
DOI: 10.26744/rrttlc.2019.5.2.05
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